Can I Lemon A Car That I Got from Swap-A-Lease / Lease Trader?

In general, the California rules on lemon laws as related to vehicles will also apply to a leased vehicle. That means that the California lemon laws will also service people who have bought their cars on a lease. The most important factor, is that the leased vehicle still has the original or express manufacturer’s warranties still applicable to the vehicle being leased and swapped for another vehicle. In the case that there is no more warranty attaching to the vehicle, then the lemon laws will not apply to the vehicle in that situation.

Can I Still Lemon My Car Under California Law or Is Swap-A-Lease or Lease Trader Going to Be Liable?

It will depend on more factors whether the Swapalease or Lease Trader company is going to be liable for the lemon car or not. This is where you will want to discuss your case with an attorney for sure. In general, if you have a leased vehicle then you will need to give the manufacturer an opportunity to fix your car, once the defect has been discovered. If the defect was discovered before or after the first owner leased the vehicle, then that might be important, or if the defect was not pronounced until after the Swapalease or Lease Trader contract was already in place, that might be another component of finding liability for the defect.

Can I Return My Car Under a Swap-A-Lease?

Yes, you are permitted to return a car under a Swapalease or Lease Trader agreement. Your lease agreement should cover lemon law status as well as if you had not swapped out your vehicle. It must be remembered that just because you have a Swapalease or Lease Trader agreement in the works, that the Swapalease or Lease Trader company is not under any obligation to force a transfer of the lease and lease vehicle to a second party. In that way, the Swapalease or Lease Trader company cannot guarantee that a leased vehicle will eventually get transferred to someone else, as well as they cannot guarantee that the transfer will be successful to the second party.

For example, if the lease seller wants to transfer his lease to a lease buyer, the potential new customer can always decide to not go through with the final transfer for the vehicle. If for some reason the lease buyer decides against accepting a lease transfer from the lease buyer, it is within that person’s right to negate this transfer of the leased vehicle. At the point that the transfer does not occur, the Swapalease company is out of the transaction, and any other transfer issues have nothing to do with the Swapalease or Lease Trader company in that situation.

About Us

Our legal team is here and ready to talk to you about your Swaplease or Lease Trader lemon vehicle that got swapped in a legal lease exchange agreement. We can assist you when it comes to helping get you on the right track, to recover the compensation that you are due when you have swapped your leased vehicle for another leased vehicle that may be a lemon car. We know the applicable lemon laws in California, and by calling us today you are getting on the way to recovering a full compensation package, to reimburse you for the expenses incurred in this swap for a lemon vehicle. Just call us today at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.

Any Type of Manufacturers Vehicle Can Be the Subject of a Swapalease or Lease Trader Vehicle

The Swapalease vehicles can come in any size and color. There is no preference for a certain type of vehicle that will be used as the subject of a Swapalease car. Any type of make or model of a vehicle that is currently on a leased agreement can be useful in a Swapalease swap case.

Common Defects of Swapalease and Lease Trader Vehicles

The common defects found on a Swapalease or Lease Trader vehicle are the same defective parts that will be found on any other type of automobile. These defects may be major safety component defects, or just defective parts related to comfort features of the vehicle. Any car or truck can have a defective issue from the manufacturer, and leased vehicles are no exception to this rule.

Recent Victories for Consumers Using Swapalease and Lease Trader Company Swap Car Agreements

The Swapalease and Lease Trader companies have started to get many complaints on their cars. Even though they authorize a lease transfer from various consumers and offer a protection plan to cover potential loss and liability, there are many risks involved with using a swapped-out lease vehicle. The authorities and courts are well-informed of these companies, and will continue to monitor them, which will be a victory for the consumers using these businesses to swap their vehicle leases.

Swaplease covers some expenses, but not all expenses as related to swapping out the lease of a vehicle. For example, the Swapalease plan covers the fees associated with the vehicle being swapped, including:

  • Any remaining lease payments that need to be made in the upcoming months
  • Depreciation set for excess wear and physical damage to the vehicle
  • Disposition fees accrued on the agreement
  • Amount of excess mileage gone over on the agreement

The Swapalease coverage does not allow for reimbursement for some fees, such as:

  • Court costs
  • Car damages
  • State taxes and state or local fees
  • Repossession expenses
  • Fines
  • Collection fees
  • Early termination fees
  • Non-payment charges
  • Administrative charges
  • Returned check or insufficient funds charges from a bank on a check
  • Lessee default fees

As more and more consumers have issues with the Swapalease system and agreements, there will continue to be more litigation associated with consumers using this system to transfer ownership of their leased vehicles to other consumers.

Zero Fee Guarantee

By calling us today, you are eligible for a zero-fee guarantee offer. We can get you on the right track to recovering the compensation that you are due on this claim. But that can only happen when you give us a call right now at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.

Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation

Our legal team is here to help you, if you are interested in initiating a lawsuit based on the merits of your Swapalease or Lease Trader lemon car claim. It is possible to get the right result, when you call our legal team to talk to a lawyer with experience in lemon laws as they relate to lease agreement swap vehicles. Just give us a call today at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now.

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