The Check Engine light is a valuable piece of technology that lets you know when something is wrong with your car. Most car owners know that they should have their car looked at as soon as possible if the Check Engine light comes on. But what can you do if that pesky light keeps flashing, even after a visit to the dealership? What if you’ve been to the repair shop several times and taken all the steps to shut off or reset the light, but to no avail?
Fortunately, warranty-backed vehicles in California are covered under the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, which allows consumers to seek compensation for a defective product. That means if Ford cannot make the necessary repairs to your car, you may be entitled to a replacement vehicle or a refund of what you paid for the car, plus incidental costs, like towing fees and car rental services.
Please keep reading to learn about your legal options if you are struggling with Ford Expedition Check Engine light issues. Our lawyers are here for you 24/7 if you have questions about your right to a lemon claim, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Why is the Check Engine Light Coming on in my Ford Expedition?
There are numerous conditions within your vehicle that can cause the Check Engine light to turn on. Sometimes, it’s a minor issue, like the gas cap being slightly looser than normal. But it can also be a sign of serious defects, like engine misfire or damage to the catalytic converter. These problems can lead to extensive damage to your vehicle, which will be very expensive to repair. That’s why many owners feel a sense of panic whenever the Check Engine sign starts blinking.
Of course, there’s also a possibility that something is wrong with the Check Engine light – perhaps an electrical or wiring issue. Nevertheless, it’s up to the manufacturer to figure this out and resolve the problem for you as soon as possible. In the next section, we will talk about the rights you have as a consumer if there is a problem with your Ford Expedition’s Check Engine light.
If my Ford Expedition Check Engine Sign Keeps Turing on, Can I Return my Car?
Having the Check Engine light turn on again and again is a nerve-wracking experience, as you’re constantly afraid of what’s going with your car. But that feeling is even worse when your Ford Expedition has been in the shop repeatedly, and the light is still flashing for no apparent reason. Then again, it could be indicating some major flaw or defect that the repair shop hasn’t figured out. Either way, it’s incredibly frustrating, and you are left to ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do under California law, or am I stuck with this problem for as long as I have this car?”
California’s lemon law requires manufacturers to take responsibility for a product that’s sold with a warranty. In essence, your warranty guarantees that the features in your car will work in a certain manner. If there is a failure in this area and Ford is unable to fix the issue, you are entitled to compensation under the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act.
The important thing is to give the manufacturer enough chances to remedy the issue with your Check Engine light. While the law doesn’t specify how many repair attempts should be made, most people give the dealership around 4 to 5 chances. Then again, if the car’s defect is serious enough to cause physical injuries, maybe even death, the manufacturer must make the necessary repairs in 1 or 2 attempts.
To ensure that you are in compliance with the state’s lemon law, please take some time to speak with one of our attorneys.
Can I Lemon my Car and End my Lease if the Check Engine Light Issue can’t be Resolved?
Yes, if you leased your Ford Expedition, you can still seek the same protections under the California lemon law. That means you can return your car and end your lease during the warranty period if there is a significant defect with your vehicle. As mentioned before, you must allow a reasonable number of repair attempts before you assert your right to a full refund or a replacement vehicle of similar quality / value. Manufacturers, however, will try to mislead you on your rights, as they will do everything in their power to avoid losing money. An experienced lemon law attorney can help you understand the laws and fight for the payment you deserve.
What is the Value of my Lemon Lawsuit Settlement?
Frankly, the answer to this question depends on factors that are individual to your own circumstances, particularly the value of your car at the time of purchase. But you can also ask for out of pocket costs that you would not have incurred had you received a fully-functioning vehicle. In addition, your car’s defect may have caused you to suffer an accident, which will allow you to sue for your injuries. That’s why settlements range greatly in value, with some cases bringing in around $10,000 to $30,000, while others are worth $300,000 or more.
Average Length of Time to Settle a Lemon Law Case
As with case values, the timeline to resolve a lemon claim can vary widely depending on the circumstances. It’s possible that we can achieve a fair settlement in just 30 days, as long as the manufacturer is willing to cooperate with us. However, a more realistic timeline is 3 to 6 months, since there will likely be some level of resistance from the defendant. If a trial is necessary to recover your damages, settling your case can take over one year from start to finish.

Free Second Opinion
You may benefit from meeting with a lemon law lawyer at our office if you have a pending claim against Ford Motor Company. Are you seeing red flags that make you question your lawyer’s experience or judgment? Do you need verification that the manufacturer’s settlement offer is in your best interest? We are available to discuss these and any other questions that are on your mind during a second opinion consultation. To take advantage of this completely free service, contact our law firm as soon as possible.
How Long do I have to Sue the Manufacturer?
Even if you have solid evidence that your car is a lemon, your right to seek compensation can be taken away if you don’t file your claim within the statute of limitations. In California, all lemon law claims must be filed within 4 years. Typically, the statute of limitations begins on the date that you first became aware of the problem with your car. However, you should verify this information with a knowledgeable lemon law attorney to ensure that you’re aware of the correct deadline to file your lawsuit.
Contact Guardian Lemon Law
In spite of the laws that exist to protect consumers, auto manufacturers are very skilled at denying lemon law complaints or settling cases for much less that what they’re worth. Hiring an experienced California lemon lawyer can help you maximize your chances of success if your Ford Expedition turns out to be a lemon.
Please keep in mind that the manufacturer pays the bills if you hire an attorney to represent you. That’s right – there is no cost to the client under the state’s lemon law, so you don’t have to worry about legal fees. Moreover, all of our clients receive a Zero Fee Guarantee, so you are off the hook for any payments to us in the event we don’t win your case.
By now, we hope you’re ready to learn more about your rights and legal options as the owner of a defective Ford Expedition. Contact us right away to schedule a free case review.