Your car’s Check Engine light is designed to go off when there is something wrong with your car. Sometimes, the problem is a minor issue, like your gas cap coming loose. Just pull over, make a few adjustments, and voila, the light stops flashing. If you can’t make the light turn off, that’s when it’s time to book a repair appointment. But what if you’ve taken your car in for repairs – maybe more than once – and the light keeps turning on?
Unfortunately, it looks like you may have a lemon on your hands. However, California law protects consumers when they’ve purchased a vehicle with a significant defect. If your Ford Expedition is still under warranty, you may be eligible for a lemon law claim under the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act. That means you can recover various forms of compensation, including a replacement vehicle or refund of the purchase price, along with out of pocket expenses that are associated with your car’s repeated malfunction.
For more information on your rights under the California lemon law, contact Guardian Lemon Law Group and schedule a free case evaluation with one of our legal experts.
Why is the Check Engine Light Coming on in my Ford Expedition?
The Check Engine Light on a Ford Expedition may indicate countless issues that can be affecting your car’s performance. Frankly, some of these problems are relatively minor, but it’s still in your best interest to schedule an appointment with an authorized Ford repair center. Serious issues that can set off the Check Engine Light include engine misfire, dying battery, or a vacuum leak. If you leave such problems unchecked, they can result in serious damage, not to mention, excessive repair bills.
Electrical or wiring issues can also cause the Check Engine sign to switch on randomly, even if you’ve reset the light or turned it off. No matter the problem, you have the right to expect a solution from the manufacturer, since you can’t be sure that your car is safe or fully functional if the Check Engine light keeps flashing.
So, what are your rights as a consumer if Ford cannot provide you with a solution to this problem?

Can I Lemon my Car if my Ford Expedition Check Engine Sign Keeps Turning on?
By now, you are all too familiar with that feeling in the pit of your stomach when the Check Engine sign on your Ford Expedition starts blinking. On top of that, you are frustrated by the time and money that’s lost every time your car is out for repairs. However, you may have a case for monetary compensation from the manufacturer if a defect with your car impairs your ability to operate the vehicle safely.
The legal process involves the filing of a lemon law complaint, which can be a rather complicated process to navigate on your own. Our attorneys can meet with you during a free consultation and guide you through the available legal options. However, you will need to give the dealership a “reasonable” number of repair attempts before you can pursue a lemon case. There is no specific number that’s mentioned in the state’s lemon law, so this is another issue we can discuss with you in person. In general, around 4 attempts is considered reasonable, but problems that can lead to injury or death should be resolved much sooner.
Making sure that you are in compliance with the laws is essential to recovering your settlement, so please give us a call at your earliest convenience.
Can I Return my Lease if I Continue to have Problems with the Check Engine Light?
Yes, the California lemon law applies to consumers of leased Ford Expeditions, not just those who have purchased their vehicles outright. Thus, you can end your lease and return the vehicle for a refund or a replacement car if you meet all the qualifications to proceed with a lemon law case. However, there’s a good chance that Ford Motor Company will deny your claim, since respecting your rights and making a payment to you hurts their bottom line. A California lemon law attorney at our law firm will protect your rights and ensure that you are not taken advantage of by the manufacturer.
Lemon Law Claim Settlement Values in California
Lemon law settlement values in California vary significantly from case to case. On the lower end, a claimant may receive anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000, while others have higher value claims that are worth well over $250,000. The differences are due to a number of factors, including the contract price of the vehicle, the client’s out of pocket expenses, and whether the manufacturer willingly violated the state’s lemon law. Since these are circumstances that are unique to each claimant, we would need to meet with you in person to discuss the approximate value of your case.
How long will it Take to Settle my Case?
The amount of time that it takes to settle a lemon claim is another area where we see great variations from case to case. Higher values claims often take longer to resolve, as the manufacturer will try to lowball a settlement offer as much as possible. On the other hand, manufacturers may be resistant for reasons other than case values, so it’s impossible to predict how long it will take to recover your payment. While some cases taken just 30 days from start to finish, others take over a year, especially if the case goes to trial.

Free Second Opinion
We believe in helping as many consumers as possible when they are fighting for the compensation they deserve. That’s why we offer second opinions for free if you need advice on a pending lemon law claim. No matter what kind of questions or concerns you have, the lemon lawyers of Guardian will be happy to meet with you and provide recommendations on what can be done to maximize your chances of recovery. What you do with that information is up to you, so there’s nothing to lose by scheduling a free second opinion consultation.
Filing Deadline for Lemon Lawsuits in California
The strength of your evidence is not the only that counts when you are suing the manufacturer for a defective product. You must also take care to file your lawsuit within the statute of limitations, as the courts are very strict when it comes to deadlines for a legal case. For a lemon law claim, you have 4 years to initiate a complaint with the court. The real issue is when the 4-year period starts, which may be when the defect with your car is first discovered. But this is not absolute, so please contact us to verify the exact amount of time you have to file a lemon lawsuit against Ford.
Our Zero Fee Guarantee
Even though strong protections are in place to help consumers with defective vehicles, there’s no denying that the average claimant is at a disadvantage when it comes to the legal process. Car manufacturers, on the other hand, have a team of experienced attorneys to protect their interests. That’s why legal representation is highly recommended if you have been sold a Ford Expedition with constant Check Engine light issues.
One advantage you have is that there is no cost to the client for hiring an attorney, since the manufacturer pays the bills. So, you can hire us right away at no upfront cost. But that’s not all – you won’t be charged any legal fees is we don’t win your case, since we provide you with a Zero Fee Guarantee.
We look forward to advising you and recovering every penny of the settlement you’re entitled to. Contact Guardian Lemon Law and schedule a free case evaluation.