It is obvious that when you buy a new car, that you are not expecting that it will be a lemon vehicle. Of course, you were expecting the car to be the automobile of your dreams. Now your hopes are dashed because you are stuck with a lemon car, SUV or truck. But you can take heart, we are here at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, and you can call us regarding your lemon car claim. We will help you get the recovery compensation that you deserve in a lemon car case. All that you need to do to start the process, is to call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 today. We can help you determine the legal aspects of your case, and give you a timeframe for settlement on your lemon car claim. Your lemon car case can take several months to settle, but you don’t have to go it alone. Just call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now to review your lemon car claim for free.
About Us
Our legal team can converse with you regarding your lemon law case, in: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German, and Korean. We are interested in setting the record straight, when there are manufacturing companies that sell lemon cars, SUVs and trucks to the unsuspecting buying public. You can call us 24/7 at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, to discuss your lemon car claim today.

How Bad Can It Be When You Are Stuck Purchasing a Lemon Vehicle?
Certainly, many people think it can’t be that bad, when you get stuck purchasing a lemon vehicle. People are known to think to themselves, that if all else fails, they’ll just “make do” with their lot in life and deal with the lemon car the best they know how. Most of the time when we make a decision and it turns out not to be that great, we only have ourselves to blame. Not to get to philosophical here, but sometimes people make mistakes, and we have to inevitably pay for it. Not so when you buy a lemon car. You didn’t make the car on an assembly line, neither did you own a car manufacturing plant that made your own make and model vehicle that you just bought. That being the case, you didn’t goof up, make a mistake, or have an incident where the lemon car is in any way, shape, or form your fault.
Keeping in this line of thought, which is the truth by the way, how are you responsible for the defective car that you just purchased? In essence, you are not the problem, you did not make a lemon car, you did not ask for a lemon car, and you don’t need to “just live with it” when you get stuck with a lemon car. We understand that you might be disappointed, angry, upset, furious and anxious having to drive a defective car round and about the town or city. You are probably wondering if your lemon car is even safe to drive, and in that case, all bets are probably off on that one. We are here to tell you that you don’t have to go it alone, when you are stuck with a lemon vehicle. You can feel free to call us today, at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.
Manufacturers Need to Consider Putting Better Quality Control Measures into Place to Sniff Out Manufacturer’s Defects on Lemon Cars
Have you ever wondered how a manufacturer gets away with just selling all of the lemon cars that they sell in a given year? We know, you know and they know that they need to put into place better quality control measures, to sniff out the defects on cars before they are sold to the open public. But until that happens, we are here to help you, when you have a claim against a manufacturer for a lemon vehicle. Just call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, we are here 24/7 to talk to you now about your losses, damages and expenses related to your lemon car claim.
Common Defects on Lemon Cars, SUVs and Trucks
Anyone who has a lemon car knows that it is a headache and a half trying to get it repaired by the car dealership when there is a manufacturer’s defect on the vehicle. Your lemon car may have more than one component that is defective on it at one time, which might include:
- Access mechanism
- Oxygen sensor
- Electronic powered steering assembly
- Shock absorber
- Power window motor
- Occupant safety restraint system
- Ignition coils
- Air conditioning systems
- Body sealing products
- Spark plugs
- Oxygen sensors
The list of possible defects on a lemon vehicle is virtually endless. If you suffer these defects or any others related to your lemon car, SUV or truck, you can call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 for a free case evaluation today.

Recent Victories for Subaru Owners of Lemon Vehicles
Subaru of America, Inc. is responsible for a lawsuit class action against them for Subaru batteries that are defective and cause a battery drain in their vehicles. If you have bought a Subaru Outback, Forester or Legacy in model years 2015-2020, or an Ascent in the years 2019-2020 then you will be eligible for join in on this lawsuit. The lawsuit will be managed as a class action and the auto manufacturer will not be able to shirk responsibility for the defective batteries that they allowed in their lemon vehicles and SUVs.
Zero Fee Guarantee
We offer to you a zero-fee guarantee today, when you call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation for Your Lemon Car Claim
Our legal team is ready to talk you, about your initiating a lawsuit on the merits of your claim for a lemon vehicle. You can feel free to get a free case evaluation for your lemon car case, at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537. We can give you access to a lawyer with experience in lemon law cases, and it is a free call for you any time that you want to talk about your losses and damages related to your lemon car claim.