What Is My Nissan Lemon Law Case Going to Be Worth to Me?
Your lemon car case is going to be determined based on the losses, damages and other expenses that you have had regarding your Nissan lemon car. There is a California buyback formula that is used with lemon cars, to determine how much money you will get back if you reach a settlement in reimbursement for your vehicle.
If you bought a lemon car for $35,000, and paid zero money down, drove the car for 5000 miles before the first repair attempt, and made 5 payments of $300, then using the calculator your estimated usage fee would be around $1458 and your estimated refund would be $42 dollars. If you kept all factors the same, but made ten payments at $300, then your estimated refund may be around $2700. Your payment may be higher on account of additional losses, damages or personal injuries from a car accident related to owning and having to drive in your lemon car.

“Help, Can I Guess What My Lemon Car Case Will Be Worth?”
Well, not really, you won’t be able to “guess” or guesstimate what your lemon car case is going to be worth. You should not want to guess on something this important. It will be much easier for you to give us a call right now at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, to get the expert legal advice that you need regarding your lemon car claim. It is easy to call us to discuss your lemon car case, just give us a call today to get the ball rolling on this case.
About Us
You can give us a call at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537. We are here to talk to you about your lemon car case and tell you what to do for the next steps on your claim. Our legal team is ready to review your Nissan lemon law case with you today. We are a multilingual law firm, and can easily converse with you in many different languages fluently, including: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German, and Korean.
Is It Ever Your Fault That You Bought a Lemon Car?
Lemon vehicles have manufacturer’s defects already on the vehicle from the auto manufacturer’s assembly line. Many times, these defects do not manifest themselves until weeks to months after a car has been purchased. You can certainly look up online resources and consumer reports, to see if a certain model or make of vehicle has the propensity to be a lemon car.
But you will never know if your own car you bought is a lemon car until you take it home. It is difficult to find a perfect car, but isn’t that what you expected when you put your hard-earned money down to buy this new car that you just purchased? We understand how you feel. It is not your fault that your new car is a lemon car. You did not own an auto manufacturing plant, and you did not manufacture your own car.
Common Defects of 2020 Altima S Cars with Tire Defects
Nissan has had an issue with tire blowouts with their 2020 Altima S cars. These vehicles that have Continental ProContact TX tires can have blowouts and a sudden loss of air in the tire sidewall, causing serious accidents. Any time that the tires on a vehicle are not balanced, the car will respond when it is driving at normal speeds by swerving out of the lane and potentially hitting other cars in oncoming traffic. When you take your vehicle back to the car dealership, the dealership will replace the tires that are affected by this defect, to allow the car to run safely again.
Recent Victories
The Volkswagen Group is settling a lawsuit for $96.5 million for the falsified data from their vehicles and the fuel economy attributed to those cars. The EPA and other federal administrations researched, addressed and got to the bottom of the fake fuel emissions ratings posted by Volkswagen and other car manufacturers, in relation to their vehicles. This scandal has been one for the record books, but there will be compensation and payments given to Volkswagen car owners and lessees of these cars, to reimburse the drivers of these cars for their losses and damages related to the scandal.

Zero Fee Guarantee
At Guardian Lemon Law Group we are here to help you, and we can do that when you call us at 888.341.8537 today. Our legal team will offer to you the advantage of having a zero-fee guarantee. This means that you do not have to give us any money, before we will start working on your Nissan lemon car claim.
We understand that your lemon car claim has been a disruptive force in your life. You may not have felt particularly safe driving your Nissan to and from work, around and about town, and for your daily activities if the car has been unsafe because of a manufacturer’s defect. Now that your Nissan lemon car claim is initiated with us, you can finally have the peace of mind you need in this type of situation. Just call us now at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 to get the process started.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation for the Value of Your Nissan Lemon Law Case
You can feel comfortable calling us today, to discuss your Nissan lemon law case and upcoming lawsuit. It is easy to make the call to us, just phone us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 to talk to a knowledgeable attorney about your Nissan lemon car claim. You will be connected with a lawyer with experience in lemon law claims in California. Give us a call today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 for your free case evaluation right now on your Nissan lemon car case.