The civil penalties on a lemon law case, are the California Lemon Law buyback formula that is used to determine what you will recover plus expenses, in a lemon car claim. The mileage that you have already driven the car is offset and deducted from what you have paid on the vehicle to date. This means that you need to multiply the purchase price of the lemon car, by the mileage at the time of the first repair of the car under warranty for the lemon defects. Once you have that figure, you need to divide it by the number 120,000. This will give you a rough idea of the buyback formula allowance figures. Then you will need to add back in the expenses you have incurred, such as losses, damages or personal injuries related to an accident that you had as a result of having to drive a lemon vehicle on the open roads. Having detailed these civil penalties, you do not have to worry about making any payment to us, until the case is finally settled. We do not require any up-front fees or deposits. You can call us at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 to review your lemon car claim today.
About Us
Our legal team is well-versed regarding claims, cases and negotiating for successful conclusions in lemon law cases. We can converse with you in several languages as a multilingual firm. We speak: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German, and Korean, and can discuss your lemon car claim with you now if you give us a call at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537. We are a professional legal practice, and we know how frustrated you may be at the thought of having to deal with the car dealership regarding your lemon car claim. But you can take heart, we will not leave you alone as you fight for your rights with a lemon car. We understand what to do for you to get the recovery compensation that you deserve, and we can review your claim for you for free. Just pick up the phone and call us now, to discover how we can help you with your lemon car case. It is easy and free, call today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.

Manufacturers Need to Manage the Sheet Metal Placement on Their New Cars at the Factory
New cars are made at the factory and manufacturing plant, but that does not mean that there is a high level of care that will go into the making of each car. If a car is produced in mass at an auto manufacturing plant, then the car manufacturer needs to take special care of the sheet metal placement on the vehicle. The sheet metal on a new car is a highly qualified safety feature of the car, in that it needs to have literally thousands of small spot-welds to keep it in place on the vehicle. The special features on a car include the way it is put together, and if any of this part of the process is scrimped, shaved or rushed, it can result in crumpling, dimpling or dinging of these highly safety component factors on a vehicle.
If you have noticed that something about your new car’s metal framing is not quite right, you may have a bona fide lemon car. You can call us at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, to review and discuss your lemon car case today.

Common Defects of Lemon Cars That Are Damaged at the Car Manufacturing Plant
Some lemon cars are defective as they leave the manufacturing plant. That means that there was no way you were going to be able to avoid it. You were fated to getting that lemon car as your new car when you bought it. It is a shame, but many new cars have severe defects to them, including:
- Transmission chatters
- Hard shifting defects
- Wheels unbalanced
- Uneven tire wear from defective front axle
- Noisy rear axle
- Fuel odor noticed in cabin
- Carburetor defective
- Smoke from fuel exhaust
- Overheating of engine
- Defective metal work and welding
- Cracked rims
You can call us when you have a damaged, defective and lemon car, we will review your claim with you for free. Our operators are standing by to take your call at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now. You don’t have to suffer this alone, and you don’t need to talk it over either with your friends, neighbors and relatives. Only a knowledgeable legal team can give you the best advice right now, and we are ready to help you, but you have to make the first call to us to start the process. Just call us now at the Guardian Lemon Law Group today.
Recent Victories for Toyota Lemon Vehicle Owners Encountering Unforeseen and Impromptu Speed increase on Their Vehicles
Toyota has to settle with owners experiencing sudden and unexpected acceleration defects on their lemon cars. One more case will be made for owners of Toyota vehicles and trucks, that developed an amazing and unintentional speed increase during normal driving times. Owners of Toyotas with acceleration defects will share $1.6 billion in settlement recover, taking into account the harms, difficulties and individual losses associated by the surprising speed increase imperfections and defects found on the Toyota lemon cars.

Zero Fee Guarantee
We offer a zero-fee guarantee, all that you need to do is call us to activate this offer.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation and Review of the Civil Penalties of a Lemon Car Claim
We can discuss your claim for your lemon car lawsuit with you today. All that you need to do to get the process started, is to call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now. You will get access to our legal team, and you can talk to a lawyer with experience in successfully negotiating lemon car claims. Just call us today to get an idea of what you can recover from your lemon car case.