It may be a difficult job to determine the average value of our lemon car case, for a GM or Chevrolet defective car. Your lemon car will have a value of what you bought it for, and it will have another value as you have driven it and it starts to depreciate. The car salesperson who sold you your vehicle got you to pay top dollar for it, but that value is going to drop significantly, now that it has miles on it and is a lemon car. You may have tried to call the contact salesperson you bought the car from at the car dealership. Don’t be surprised if the car dealership salesperson is avoiding your calls. Some car salespeople don’t know what to do with a lemon car claim, but that doesn’t mean that they should be taught what to do in that case. If you are angry, confused or befuddled on what to do next with a lemon GM or Chevrolet defective vehicle, you should call us immediately at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.

That Car Dealership Didn’t Sell You a GMM or Chevrolet Lemon Car, the Car Salesperson Did
When you go to a car dealership to buy a new car, who is the first person you see? Nine times out of ten, you are going to run into a salesperson at the car dealership, before you even make it into the showroom. That is because the car salesperson is hungry to make a sale, literally speaking. The car salesperson only eats when he or she sells a car, period. It is how they make a living. Just as you go to a job daily to earn a living wage, the car salesperson goes to the car dealership every day, to sell cars and get a commission check on how many cars are sold in a month. A car salesperson is the representative of the car dealership, one hundred percent! No one buys anything from a person he or she doesn’t like, therefore, your car salesperson is going to establish a relationship with you to sell you a new car.
That salesperson is going to be outgoing and want to talk to you, with an attitude of also possibly being:
- Funny to get you feeling familiar and happy in the car dealership showroom
- Witty to help you let your guard down
- Humorous to lighten the mood during the sales process
- Interesting to explore a friendship
- Extroverted to greet you on the car lot
- Aggressive to push the sale forward
- Prodding to see what car you like to buy
- Talkative to find out your tastes in cars
- Listening to your concerns
You have every reason to like your car salesperson, this is the person who is representing the car dealership, and who has a vested interest to sell you a new or low mile used car under manufacturer’s warranty. Therefore, if all goes right, you might have made a fast friend with the car salesperson. Similarly, if it all goes South and you find out you were sold a defective bill of goods, it is natural that you would want to discuss it with the car salesperson. If the salesperson is now being uncooperative, you can call us for legal assistance at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 today.
About Us
Our law firm is in the business of helping people to get the settlement that they deserve on their GM and Chevrolet lemon cars. If you were all smiles at the time you bought your new car, but now have a perpetual frown because it is a lemon vehicle, you can call us right now to review your case for free. We can talk to you in several different languages, including: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German, and Korean. Just give our legal team a call today, to go over what to do next when the car salespeople and car dealership are avoiding your calls to settle the issues regarding your GM or Chevrolet lemon car.
Possible Common Defects That Can Be Found on a GM and Chevrolet Lemon Vehicle
Your lemon GM or Chevrolet vehicle can have a host of defective parts, components or even the engine. There are many areas of a car that can go “South,” and that can make the car less safe to drive around in on a daily basis. You might have experienced defects on your lemon car, such as:
- Latches
- Minimodules
- Side door latches
- Fan motors
- Automotive bearings
- Exhaust systems
- Ignition coils
- Air conditioning system
- Latches
- Minimodules
- Side door latches
- Fan motors
- Automotive bearings
A lemon car’s defects can affect the safety and drivability of the vehicle. If this is the case for you, just call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 to review your lemon car claim for free.
How Long Do I Have to File My Lemon Car Claim?
The statute of limitations for a lemon car claim is 4 years, depending on the facts of your lemon car case. The California Lemon Laws can be confusing at times, therefore you will want to call us now to let our legal team review your case today.
What Are the Lemon Car Settlement Values?
The value of your lemon car settlement will vary widely, depending on what additional expenses, losses and damages you have also incurred based on your having the car in your life. For example, if you had to pay out-of-pocket for your rental car because the car dealership ran out of free loaner cars when your car was being serviced, then you will want to get that money back as well. Once you call us and we can review your lemon car claim, we will be in a better position to check on your losses, and add it to the final settlement tally for your lemon car case.
How Long Will It Take to Settle My Lemon Car Claim?
If all of your paperwork is in order and you have a relatively easy case to review, then it can take several months up to 5 months or so to settle your lemon car claim. If you have a more complicated case, then it can take significantly longer to settle out your lemon car claim.

Is My Leased Car Eligible for a Lemon Car Claim?
Yes, your new leased car or leased car that is certified pre-owned still under the manufacturer’s warranties is eligible for a lemon car claim.
Zero Fee Guarantee
We are here to offer to you a zero-fee guarantee, as soon as you give us a call at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 regarding your lemon car claim.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation for Determining the Average Value of Your GM or Chevrolet Lemon Car Case
You can feel free to contact us today for a free case evaluation. This will help you immensely to determine the average value of your GM or Chevrolet lemon car lawsuit and subsequent settlement package. Just call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537, to talk to a lawyer with experience in successfully handling and negotiating lemon car claims on GM and Chevrolet lemon cars.